The Goals of Camelot Book Club

  • To read and enjoy the books we choose
  • To savor the discussion that follows
  • To continue to develop an appreciation for excellent writing
  • To relish the association and friendship with the members





Camelot Book Club was so named by its charter members because the ladies of El Dorado Bay wanted to celebrate the idea of our neighborhood’s original developer. He had a dream and saw El Dorado Bay as a Camelot -- the perfect kingdom - a place where dreams came alive -- a place where all was well.

The club’s inaugural meeting was in February, 1998. We meet at 1:30 on the third Friday of each month in a member’s home to discuss the current selection. The kinds of books we read are varied, ranging from novels, biographies, historical novels, the classics, - "a little of everything." The hostess facilitates the book discussion. After we review and discuss the book, we stay for dessert and conversation. All of us savor the camaraderie we experience in this group. We always seem to have a wonderful time. In addition to thoughtful dialogues about the current book, a lot of laughing and fun goes on - and none of us ever wants to miss a meeting. If you have an interest in joining us, please contact Anne Simms at



First Meeting, March 16,1998

Left to Right: Bobbie Wignall, Ann Seher, Lorraine Simms, Monica Luenser, Peggy/Margaret Oesch, Lee Ritz


Current Members
Jennifer Cook
Kathie Cross
Lou Dunkle
Cyndie Ewert
Lori Forsyth
Judy Hatch
Tracy Hopkins
Tim Latta
Jill Nail
Anne Simms
Jane St. Romain
Sue Ward


January Lou Dunkle The Women Kristin Hannah
February Jennifer Cook The Secret Life of Sunflowers Marta Molnar
March Kathie Cross (at Tim's) Iron Lake William Kent Krueger
April 25--4th Fri. Lori Forsyth All the Colors of the Dark Chris Whitaker
May Cyndie Ewert Becoming Madam Secretary Stephanie Dray
June Jane St. Romain The Night Journal Elizabeth Crook

Tim Latta

Pot Luck Luncheon

The Other Wes Moore Wes Moore
August Jill Nail The Wedding People Allison Espach
September Anne Simms The Frozen River Ariel Lawhon
October Sue Ward James Percival Everett
November Lou Dunkle The Music of Bees Eileen Garvin

Judy Hatch

Christmas Lunch

January Tracy Hopkins TBD

December 2024 Christmas Holiday Lunch at Tim's House
Tim Latta, Jane St. Romain, Cyndie Ewert, Lori Forsyth, Anne Simms, Judy Hatch,
Nail, Lou Dunkle, Linda Morton, Sue Ward, Tracy Hopkins


July 2023 25th Anniversary
Cheers to 25 Years of Reading and Friendship

Front Row: Jennifer, Jane, Lori, Cyndie
Back Row: Kathie, Tim, Jill, Patti, Anne, Lou, Tracy, Judy, Kate, Sue



Our lunchen theme reflects our book selection of Horse by Geraldine Brooks.

July 2022 Pot Luck Lunch at Tim's House
Front Row: Jane, Lori, Jill
Back Row: Lou, Tim, Kathie, Tracy, Anne, Sue, Judy, Patti

January 2020 at Cyndie's House
Front Row: Jennifer Cook, Cyndie Ewart
Back Row: Tracy Hopkins, Judy Hatch, Sue Ward, Lou Dunkle, Mikey Girard, Lori Forsyth, Anne Simms, Tim Latta


December 2019 Christmas Lunch at Liefies
Cyndie Ewart, Tracy Hopkins, Judy Hatch, Kathie Cross, Tim Latta, Jane St. Romain, Mikey Girard, Anne Simms, Lou Dunkle, Lori Forsyth


August 2014 Meeting at Anne's House
Left to Right Front: Gwen Dillman, Gwen Nelson, Dottie Miller, Peggy/Margaret Oesch
Back: Anne Simms, Sue Ward, Anne Dillman, Tim Latta, Ellen Sledge, Kate Dillman


July 2012 Meeting
Left to Right: Suzanne Tuite, Ann Seher, Margaret Oesch, Barbara Walton, Dotsy Miller, Robin Westerheim, Gwen Nelson, Anne Simms, Sue Ward

December 2010 Meeting
Left to Right: Robin Westerheim, Peggy/Margaret Oesch, Terry Moore, Dotsy Miller, Gwen Nelson, Karen O'shea, Barbara Walton, Sue Ward, Suzanne Tuite, Anne Simms, Ann Seher