A Community of Neighbors Helping Neighbors

El Dorado Garden Club

(Aka The Dirt Divas)

The El Dorado Garden Club was established in 2015. The mission of the club is to oversee and manage all landscaping associated with the common areas within the El Dorado Bay development. We focus primarily on perennial, low maintenance plants native to east Texas. In addition the club encourages a love of gardening and seeks to increase their knowledge of horticulture. The ladies enjoy occasional get togethers as well as working together in the common areas. The club always welcomes new members. If you would like to join this fun and energetic group, please contact Dotsy Miller for more information. dotsym@peoplescom.net



On 12/07/24 the Garden Club sponsored a daffodill bulb planting day. Along with their helpers they planted a variety of 500 bulbs. Spring in El Dorado should be beautiful!



The September 2024 meeting of the El Dorado Garden Club was held at the home of Dotsy Miller. Keith Kridler, a noted horticulturalist, author and bulb expert gave an informative and entertaining presentation on host plants for butterflies. He owns a daffodil farm in Mt. Pleasant and we have plans for a trip to see them in the spring.

The July meeting of the El Dorado Garden Club was held at the home of Sue Ward. Each member took home a citronella lantern repurposed from old Scotch bottles. These bottles were compliments of the El Dorado Scotch Tasting Club.

2021-2022 Trails of El Dorado

In the spring of 2021, Sue Ward had a dream!! She dreamed of creating a trail of trees through our beautiful El Dorado. Her vision was to educate our residents about the importance of native trees and to raise awareness and an appreciation of the natural beauty that surrounds us all. Sue, along with Dotsy Miller and Anne Simms, met with the Forestry Service from Pittsburg many times and numerous hours walking and driving our roads to learn more about our native trees and select the ones to be highlighted. Robert O'Brien, a graphic designer from Austin, agreed to design a map of our specimen trees that would be located at the flagpole. On April 2, 2022 a community event was held at the tennis court to celebrate the grand opening of the "Trails of El Dorado". The project was truly a labor of love for the garden club and the many homeowners who helped make it possible.

Robert O'brien and the "Dirt Divas"



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