A Community of Neighbors Helping Neighbors


(Prospective Property Owners, Please Click Here for Some Very Important Information)

Welcome to El Dorado Bay


The Beauty of Lake Cypress Springs



4/2020                                         3/2017


  10/2016                                          6/2022

If your have a photo showing the natural beauty of Lake Cypress that you would like to share, please send it in.

                             Please Remember...


  • Do not allow unlicensed drivers to operate motorized vehicles (including golf carts) on El Dorado streets. This is expressly prohibited by our Covenants. Blind curves, speeding trucks, narrow roads, & children... not a good mix.
  • Keep pets on a leash.

Neighborhood Appearance

  • After trash collection, containers should be returned to enclosed structures or appropriately screened from view.
  • Keep boat trailers, jet ski trailers, campers, etc. in trailer storage area. Be sure to put your name and lot number on the tongue of your trailer so that it can be easily identified. Abandoned trailers are periodically removed.

Your Responsibility

  • Get ACC approval before beginning any exterior construction or painting (homes, boat houses, retaining walls, decks, driveways, roofing, etc.)
  • If you're able, please consider volunteering a little of your time to help our POA. Our official slogan is "A Community of Neighbors Helping Neighbors".  Most of our upkeep (mowing, planting, clearing, tennis court maintenance, etc.) is performed by our property owners.   This not only helps to keep your dues low, but provides a great opportunity to build strong neighborhood friendships.

Upcoming Events

2025 POA Meeting


Future Beautification Days

February 22, 2025

March 22, 2025

Next EDPOA Officers Meeting

Click Here




Open Positions


Special Messages

Over 60% of our POA members have their photos on our Faces of El Dorado page.  If you haven't sent us a photo, please show your pride in El Dorado by emailing yours to feedback@lakecypresssprings.org.  Thank you!!

If you have had a good experience with a contractor that is not on our "Contractors" list, please let us know with an email to feedback@lakecypresssprings.org.  The Contractors list has become a valuable resource for our property owners.



  • 12/20/24 - The annual El Dorado Christmas party was held at the home of Jill and Richard Nail. We all had a wonderful time celebrating with our friends and singing on the hayride.



  • 12/07/24 - The Garden Club sponsored a daffodill bulb planting day. Along with their helpers they planted a variety of 500 bulbs. Spring in El Dorado should be beautiful!


03/16/24 - In spite of the weather forecast, the third Beautification Day for 2024 was a great success. The rain didn't start until the picnic was over. Two dead trees on the entrance road were taken down and debris was cleared from both east and west sides of the development. The Garden Club made improvements to Woodpecker Island. They pulled weeds, planted two new dogwoods and added stones around the perimeter.

See Video


  • 02/24/24 - Second Beautification Day for 2024 was postponed a week due to cold and windy weather. This day was perfect... no wind and temps in the 70's. From 9:00 to 12:00 we continued clearing dead trees and brush along the entrance road. At noon the Hospitality Committee provided a great lunch on the tennis court. At 5:00 P.M. several from the morning's work party gathered around the bonfire for happy hour. It was a great day!!!




  • 01/27/24 - First Beautification Day for 2024... postponed a week and delayed until afternoon due to weather. It was a small group, but they got a lot done. Three trailer loads of downed trees and other debris were cleared from the entrance road to provide a great happy hour bonfire at the tennis court.


How many faces can you find in the fire?

  • 12/16/23 - EDPOA Christmas Party at the home of Jill and Richard Nail. Hayride was so much fun we forgot to take pictures.


  • 09/16/23 - The celebration of the Legacy of Ted and Lois Burgdorf was a wonderful day for El Dorado! Dan Schmeling was here for the event and he opened the gathering by sharing stories and memories of Ted and Lois. Others also shared fond memories and there was much visiting and reminiscing with friends and neighbors. As Dan said, "We live in the best subdivision on the most beautiful lake in the greatest state of the best country in the world." Everyone left with smiles on their faces and gratitude in their hearts for Ted and Lois.


  • 05/27/23 - The Garden Club hosted a special celebration for the one-year anniversary of "The Trails of El Dorado". Adults and children walked the tree trails and participated in a nature scavenger hunt. Information on butterflies was presented as well as a display of plants that attract butterflies. It was a sunny morning and a great day to celebrate the beauty of El Dorado!

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  • 03/18/23 - Our third and final Beautification Day for 2023 was over the top. Great turn-out, much accomplished! Weather was perfect. Lots of dead trees and debris were removed by the guys and the "Divas" cleaned the common areas and planted more shrubs at the entrance. Thanks to our Hospitality Committee for the great lunch! Below are a few photos from the event.


  • 02/18/23 - Our second Beautification day for 2023 was much like the first... nice cool weather for our work in the morning and mild weather at lunch time. The guys cut up and loaded at least 5 trailer loads of debris for the bonfire and the ladies outlined Bluebird Island with stones donated by the Finnells.





  • 01/21/23 - Our first Beautification Day of 2023 was a great success. The weather was perfect and we had a nice turnout. The bonfire burned for two days. Unfortunately, we forgot to take photos.
  • 12/10/22 - The Annual EDPOA Christmas party was hosted at the home of Amy and Randy Leslie. Even though the hayride had to be cancelled due to rain, it was still a great evening of neighborly fun, food and joy!!

Our hosts: Amy, Randy and Josiah



           Ted and the Ladies                                Ann, Jackie, Anne, Dotsy and Amy

  • 07/21/22 - It is with great sadness that we received the news that our longtime neighbor and friend, Bob Potts, passed away on Saturday, July 16. He had been in failing health and had been placed in hospice care. Bob and his family were among the original homeowners in El Dorado Bay. They built their original chalet (later remodeled) in 1974 at 544 W El Dorado. His two daughters, Julie and Amy, have many fond memories of growing up on the lake and have become part of our neighborhood. Bob was a very active member of our POA and held many positions throughout the years. He wrote a very interesting and informative essay for our El Dorado history page on the website. Click here to view the essay (PW required). Bob's obituary is available here (no PW required).
  • 03/19/22 - Third Beautification Day for 2022 had perfect weather. Several dead trees were taken down and areas around some trees were cleared in preparation for "Trails of El Dorado" Day on April 2. We had a large bonfire that burned for days. The Hospitality Committee served a great lunch.


  • 02/19/22 - Second Beautification Day for 2022 had a great turnout and sliders on the tennis court. A lot of progress on beds around entry sign.



  • 01/22/22 - First Beautification Day for 2022 was challenged by weather, but we won!! Due to the below-freezing temperatures at our normal 9:00 starting time, we cancelled the 12:00 lunch and started working at 1:00. Below is a photo of the crew. Much was accomplished on the entry road and in the trialer yard. A huge bonfire was started at the tennis court which burned well into the evening.

  • 10/02/21 - Annual EDPOA meeting. Again, concerns about COVID-19 forced us to have our annual meeting on the tennis court without the usual potluck picnic. The meeting was delayed to 3:00 P.M. due to the rain forecast. While attendance was low, we were able to garner enough proxies to make it official. Below are a few photos:
  • 03/13/21 - We finally got to have one of our infamous Beautification Days. Although COVID-19 is still out there, the threat seems to be waning as more and more folks get vaccinated. Although we still practiced social distancing (except for the photo) and refrained from having our usual feast on the tennis court, we did manage to share a few of our favorite beverages at the end of the event. We collected enough debris to have a giant bonfire that burned way into the night and the Dirt-Divas worked hard on our garden areas. Below is a photo of most of the group.

  • 10/24/20 - EDPOA meeting. Concerns about COVID-19 forced the POA to have the meeting on the tennis court without the usual picnic. In spite of the "less than optimum venue", we still had a good turnout and had the opportunity to meet some of our new neighbors. See photos below. Click photo for larger view.
  • 1/20/20 - First Beautification Day for 2020. We had a great turnout as you can tell from the photos. Much was accomplished. Thank you Sheila for the fantastic lunch and Kurt for organizing the event. See photos below. Click photo for larger view.
  • 12/7/19 - The 2019 EDPOA Christmas Party and Hayride were held at the home of Candi and Lee Highsmith. It was a perfect night for a hayride... cool, but not cold. The children and adults all had a wonderful time. See photos below. Click photo for larger view.


  • 8/14/19 - Updated Roster to Version 74 and updated the POA Treasury page.

  • 4/22/19 - Began moving Langham house. See photos.

  • 1/29/19 - Updated Roster to Version 72

  • 9/18/17 - Thanks to generous donations from neighbors, the El Dorado Garden Club was able to purchase a full pallet of large stones to completely outline the garden area around the Welcome Sign. Also thanks to the Resleys for contributing the solar lights around the flag pole. Many more enhancements to our common areas are planned for the future. Soon the Club will have its very own web page so you can see what's in store and how you can help.
  • 7/10/17 - Updated Roster to Version 67
  • 3/23/17 - Updated Roster to Version 66
  • 3/18/17 - The third Beautification Day for 2017 set a new record for attendance. We had at least 45 gals and guys participating in the various activities. The Landscape Committee provided that extra spark that really showed how much our community can accomplish when it puts its heart and soul (and muscle) into something. Using donations from last year, the committee purchased a pallet of large decorative stones which were carefully arranged around our flagpole. New trees and plants were also purchased and planted at the entrance. Some trees that had been mutilated by the power company were cut down and stumps removed. You might also have noticed that the crape myrtle at the flagpole has been cut to the ground so that it can start over and be reshaped. A few of the guys took down several more dead trees on the entrance road which provided fuel for our traditional bonfire, while another team focused on cleaning and rearranging our trailer yard. These volunteers saved the POA thousands of dollars, and had a great time to boot. Click here for photos.
  • 8/15/16 - Updated Roster to Version 63.
  • 3/16/16 - The third Beautification Day for 2016 was another great success and set another record. We had 16 guys participating in the clean-up activities, 12 gals working on the landscaping and a total of 37 enjoyed the lunch. We took down several dead trees on the entrance road, cleared a very large oak that had fallen on the west side, and cleared a lot of weeds from the trailer yard. The ladies continued the work at the bulletin board area. The volunteers saved the POA hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, and had a great time to boot. Click here for photos.
  • 2/20/16 - Second Beautification Day for 2016 was one our best. We set a new record for the number of guys participating in the clean-up activities... 18. We had a total of 30 at the lunch without even counting the kids. One crew worked on improving visibility on the entrance road, while two more crews worked east and west El Dorado. Thanks to all who turned out to show their support for our neighborhood and enjoy the camaraderie. Click here for photos.
  • 1/16/16 - First Beautification Day for 2016. Cool weather, but lots of sunshine. Smaller turnout than usual, but still a great amount accomplished. Hot dogs and chili on the tennis court were great thanks to Anne and Helen! (Sorry... no photos)
  • 6/27/15 - Gwen Nelson, wife of Elmer Nelson and a beloved long-time member of our El Dorado family, passed away today at the age of 88. She was one of the founding members of the Camelot Book Club and loved by all who knew her.
  • 5/23/15 - The 2015 Annual Memorial Day Golf Cart Parade and Picnic were held on Saturday, May 23, at the home of Anna and Cary Walker. Cliff Fitzgerald cooked the brats and everyone else brought some wonderful side dishes. Rev. Gene Oesch gave the blessing. Our POA President, Dan Schmeling, gave a moving speech on the meaning of the holiday and Cary Walker and his son, Scott, played the Star Spangled Banner and Taps on their trumpets. Everyone had a great time visiting with their neighbors, both new and old. Photos.
  • 3/22/15 - Phil Vaccaro, who, with his wife Marj, owned Sub 22b on East El Dorado, passed away just a few days ago after a long illness.  Marj is a long-time resident of El Dorado, having once owned a cabin on the lot that is now the site for Troy and Dotsy Miller's home. After her husband passed away, she remarried (Phil) and purchased her current home.  Click here for Phil's obituary.
  • 2/21/15 - Second Beautification Day for 2015. Cool, cloudy, and rainy, but much accomplished. Again, another great picnic lunch with neighbors and friends. See photos.
  • 2/3/15 - Updated Roster to Version 53.
  • 1/17/15 - First Beautification Day for 2015. Great weather, great amount accomplished, great neighbors, great fun. See photos.
  • 12/27/14 - Plats of El Dorado Bay, which can be found on on the "Helpful Local Info" page, have been updated with FCWD's latest versions.
  • 12/20/14 - The 2014 Christmas Caroling Hay Ride and party were both tons of fun. The weather was cool, but perfect for a hay ride. Click here for photos.
  • 10/8/14 - Updated "Faces" page with several new photos. We have greater than 50% represented, but not nearly enough. If your face isn't there, please take a couple of moments to send a photo to feedback@lakecypresssprings.org.
  • 10/4/14 - Today EDPOA held its annual meeting and picnic. The event was hosted by Joy and Bob Darling. The weather perfect... clear skies, light wind and temperature in the 70s. We had about 65 adults present, which may be a new record.
  • 7/14/14 - Volunteers mowed and wacked the weeds around the entrance sign, the entrance road, the tennis court and trailer yard this past weekend.
  • 5/24/14 - Although the Memorial Day Weekend Golf Cart parade was pretty much rained out on Saturday morning, the noontime picnic enjoyed beautiful spring weather.  The picnic was held at the home of Cary and Anna Walker. Before the picnic, a ceremony to commemorate the service and sacrifice of our troops was opened by Dan Schmeling, president of the El Dorado Property Owners Association.  Dr. Larry Gray played his trumpet to accompany the singing of the National Anthem.  All veterans in the group were called forward to lead the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

    Commander Cathy Small from VFW 3992 in Mount Vernon spoke to the group about the importance and true meaning of Memorial Day.   She was accompanied to the picnic by Paige Griffin, Secretary of the VFW Ladies Auxiliary and Jane Simpson, the in-coming President of the VFW Ladies Auxiliary.

    Dan Schmeling explained the meaning of the "Buddy" Poppies that were available for a donation, and he followed that with a reading of the poem "In Flanders Field" by John McCrae.  The ceremony was closed by
    Scott Walker who played "Taps" on his trumpet. Approximately 50 members of the El Dorado family participated in the event.

    Afterwards our very own brat-meister,
    Cliff Fitzgerald, worked his magic and served up brats and hot dogs as the entree for our potluck picnic.  A good time was had by all!

  • 3/22/14 - Our third and final Beautification Day for 2014 occurred today with all objectives being met. The gals planted daffodils in the island at the end of W. El Dorado and the guys cleaned up the trailer yard. Beer and dogs were served on the tennis court. Sorry, no pictures. The photographer had other urgent business.
  • 3/21/14 - Richard (Dick) Burgdorf, our former neighbor and brother to current neighbors, Ted Burgdorf and Margaret Oesch, passed away yesterday afternoon at his home near Pittsburg, TX. Funeral services will be held at Grace Lutheran Church on Highway 115 at 1:30 P.M. on Saturday, March 29. The family has requested that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to Calvary Lutheran School, 9807 Church Rd, Dallas, TX 75238.
  • 2/22/14 - Our second Beautification Day for 2014 was held today. A large fallen tree was removed from the entry road and the ditches of West El Dorado were cleared of logs and limbs. Afterwards, brats, beans and beer were enjoyed by all on the tennis court. Another beautiful day in the El Dorado neighborhood! For those who haven't been able to participate, you have one more chance to join in the fun on March 22.
  • 1/18/14 - Our first Beautification Day for 2014 was held today. We had a very good turnout with 15+ guys working on clearing and cleaning the roads and five ladies planting 150 daffodil bulbs. Afterward we convened on the tennis court for chili dogs, chips, beer, sodas and Carol Horn's famous cookies. It was a beautiful day with great food, fun and conversation.
  • 12/06/13 - Lorraine Simms, long time resident of El Dorado Bay, passed away on this day at the age of 97. She and her husband, Clarke, moved from Pensacola, Florida in 1987 to build their dream retirement home near Mike and Anne. Their log home on East El Dorado is a familiar landmark. After Clarke passed away in 1990, Lorraine continued living at the lake until 2001. She was a member of the Camelot Book Club and her picture can be seen on the club's page on this website. She was loved by all and will be sorely missed.
  • 10/10/13 - The 2013 Annual POA Meeting/Picnic was held on October 5 at the home of Joy and Bob Darling. In spite of the forecast, the weather turned out great. We had approximately 55 adults present representing 46 votes plus 43 proxies, easily exceeding our 66.5 vote representation needed for a quorum. The BBQ furnished by Century 21 (Ralph Robertson and Ann Holland) was some of the best we've ever had. The beer was cold and the fellowship delightful. Thanks to all who came and showed their interest and support for our POA.
  • 10/06/13 - Added new Roster formats.
  • 8/19/13 - Added two new pages to website: "About" and "Directors and Officers". Restricted "Contractors" to require password. Removed "Contacts" page. Grouped Restricted and Non-restricted links separately.
  • 5/30/13 - Upgraded password protection for Meetings, Roster, Treasury, History and Faces. Removed Activities page.
  • 5/29/13 - The annual El Dorado Memorial Day Golf Cart (and Scooter) parade was held Saturday 5/25. Afterwards we gathered at the tennis court to award prizes and enjoy a nice happy hour with our neighbors. Dan Schemling spoke on the signifigance of Memorial Day and offered a thoughtful prayer. Photos
  • 5/5/13 - The EDPOA Spring Picnic on Saturday at the home of Bob and Tommie Potts was enjoyed by all. The weather forecast sounded questionable on Friday, but it couldn't have been a more beautiful day. The Potts' eastern exposure saved us from the brisk breeze from the west. As always, Cliff did a great job with the Brats and it was surprising how few were left over. We do hope that more of our newest neighbors will be able to join us at some of the other upcoming POA events so that we might better welcome them into the El Dorado family. Photos
  • 4/21/13 - The trailer storage area was reorganized to make more room, both for storage and maneuvering. The following property owners contributed their time and energy for this effort: Ted Burgdorf, Dave Jendal, Dan Schemeling, Mike Simms, David Tatum, Pirk Walton and Glenn Williams.
  • 3/25/13 - Jack Seher, EDPOA president from 1984 to 1999, passed away today at his El Dorado home. During his 15 years of leadership, Jack's fair and evenhanded approach set the tone for our POA for years to come. He will be missed by all. Obituary
  • 3/18/13 - Our 3rd and final El Dorado Beautification Day (until next fall/winter) had the best turnout ever. We accomplished all of our objectives, so it's time to kick back and enjoy our lake. Hundreds (if not thousands) of bulbs were planted, so next spring we should see a lot more color. Photos
  • 2/4/13 - Saturday's El Dorado Beautification Day was a huge success. Great turn-out, great progress, great lunch, great weather. Photos 1, 2.
  • 1/13/13 - Saturday's work party went on as planned in spite of the dismal weather forecast. As it turned out, the weather was perfect... cool but not cold. The entry road was cleaned up and all debris was burned. Since many hands make light work, more hands are always welcome. Another work day will need to be scheduled to continue clearing debris on east and west El Dorado. Participants included Ted Burgdorf, Pete Boleneus, Pirk Walton, Roger Jungemann, Dan Schmeling and Mike Simms. Also, thanks to Carol Horn for the delicious cookies.
  • 1/9/13 - The TREASURY page has been updated for 1Q FY13
  • 12/23/12 - The annual Christmas Caroling Hay Ride and Party were well attended and enjoyed by young and old. The weather was perfect (cool, but not cold). Thanks to Ted for hosting the party, to Larry for his driving, and to Norm and his friend, Thomas, for providing the hay. (i.e. zero cost to the POA)
  • 12/15/12 - The Voting Validation Committee (Norm Horn, Vilas Glaeske, Mike Tuite) met today to certify the vote results for approval of the amended Covenants and By-Laws. Both documents were approved. Of the 133 possible votes, 114 were cast. The number of "yes" votes needed to achieve the required 67% majority was 89.1. 103.5 voted "yes" and 10.5 voted "no" for the Covenants. The By-laws received 2 less votes due to ballot irregularities, but still passed with a comfortable margin. The new documents will be filed with the Franklin County Clerk next week.
  • 10/04/12 - Added link to Franklin/Hopkins Co. Fire live audio feed to Home Page.
  • 10/06/12 - The annual POA meeting was held at Joy and Bob Darling's home. Due to cool weather and threat of rain, the meeting was held inside. The only item on the agenda for voting was selection of officers. Dan Schmeling (Pres.), Mike Simms (V. Pres.), Barbara Walton (Trea.) and Bob Darling (ACC Chmn.) agreed to serve another two years. Helen Jungeman agreed to serve as Secretary. John Latta announced that a new set of By-laws and Covenants are ready for review. Approval by the members will be requested in mid-November.
  • 9/08/12 - Posted minutes from August Officers meeting on the the Meetings page.
  • 7/30/12 - Posted minutes from July Camelot Book Club along with group photo on Camelot
  • 7/27/12 - Posted minutes for June Officers Meeting
  • 7/14/12 - The TREASURY page has been updated for 3Q FY12
  • 6/11/12 - Cypress Springs Lemonade Day hosted by the Walton granddaughters. See Photos 1 and 2
  • 5/5/12 - Good turn-out for our annual spring picnic. Thanks to Robin and Eric Westerheim for hosting.
  • 4/29/12 - Posted minutes from April Camelot Book Club meeting on Camelot page.
  • 4/29/12 - Posted minutes from April Officers meeting on the the Meetings page.
  • 4/11/12 - The Treasury page has been updated for 2Q FY12.
  • 4/10/12 - The gate is back up on the trailer storage yard.
  • 3/9/12 - Stump removal and grading in the expanded trailer storage area will begin on Monday, 3/12. Please move your trailer to your lot, if possible, for the week of 3/12.
  • 2/7/12 - All of the debris in the trailer yard has been cleared and it is ready for stump removal and grading. Once a contractor has been selected, we will need to remove all trailers for several days. If you have room on your lot to store your trailer during this period, it would sure help. We will send out a mass e-mail as soon as we know when the work will start.
  • 2/1/12 - More photos have been added to the "Faces" page.
  • 2/1/12 - About half of the debris in the trailer yard has been burned. The remainder will be burned within the next few days if weather conditions are favorable.
  • 1/22/12 - Several trees were downed in the trailer storage area this weekend. It will take a couple of weeks to clear the debris. Once the logs are cleared we will begin stump removal and grading.
  • 11/15/11 - Burn Ban Lifted. Yesterday morning the County Commissioner's Court lifted the burn ban for Franklin County (see link). With lower temperatures, higher soil moisture content, and greener vegetation, the risk for wild fire is much lower than it was just a few weeks ago. Still, we must all use common sense and follow certain safety precautions when burning outdoors. Make sure the winds are calm, the fire is moderate in size and well contained in a clear area, and a water supply is readily available. We all appreciate the opportunity to dispose of the debris that has piled up over the summer or to enjoy an evening campfire, but let's make sure we do it safely.
  • 11/13/11 - Our Saturday work party didn't go exactly as planned. The contractor that was lined up to cut down the trees in the trailer storage area had to reschedule due to illness. We did manage to get all of the trailers on the right (east) side of the lot either removed or relocated to the left side (See photo). The trailers are stacked three to four deep, so unless your trailer is on the outside row, it will be difficult to access it for the next few weeks. The contractor is expected to cut down the trees later this week, and then we will begin stump removal and grading.
  • The POA members participating in the work party were Ted Burgdorf, David DeDoes, Eugene Gilstrap, Dave Jendal, Mike Simms, David Tatum, Mike Tuite, and Eric Westerheim.

  • 11/11/11 - Roster updated to Version 25.
  • 10/25/11 - Our POA members had a great time and accomplished a lot at our mini clean-up work party on Saturday, Oct. 22. The guys cleared brush along East El Dorado and the gals planted bulbs at the entrance and the flag pole. Several trailer loads of brush were hauled to the tennis court area to be burned when the burn ban is lifted. Time and energy ran out about halfway down E. El Dorado, so the second half will cleared another day. Check out the photos.
  • 10/09/11 - Posted Minutes from October 1 annual POA meeting. See Meetings page.
  • 10/03/11 - Thanks to the Heatons, Hartmanns, and Gilstraps for adding their photos to the Faces of El Dorado page. Show your community spirit. Send me your photo. Please!!
  • 10/03/11 - Everyone had a great time at the annual POA Meeting/Picnic. Good food, good beer, and good friends made for good fun. We had a very informative presentation from the Texas Forestry Service and the South Franklin County Volunteer Fire Dept. The one proposal on the docket (Optional dues cap for 75 and older) passed with unanimous approval. Minutes from the meeting will be posted on the Meetings page after approval.
  • 9/25/11 - Added new HISTORY page - Check it out.
  • 9/19/11 - A lot was accomplished in two hours at our mini work party this past Saturday. We had 11 participants cleaning the ditches and islands on the west side. The burn pile near the tennis court continues to grow in size. Hopefully we'll have some cooler, wetter weather this fall so we can have some nice evening camp fires.The next work day will be Saturday, 10/15. See COMMUNITY MAINTENANCE page for more info.
  • 7/26/11 - The mini work party on Saturday was short, but very productive thanks to the nice turnout. Our entrance road now looks much cleaner and neater. The following neighbors participated: Ted Burgdorf, Bob Darling, Norm Horn, Eric Westerheim, Roger Jungemann, Dan Schmeling, Allen Gehrki, Steve and Wendy Schneider, Jerry Goldschmidt, Mike Simms, Max Wernick.
  • 06/21/11 - Peggy/Margaret Oesch has written a thoughtful and touching tribute to Peaches Oakes.
  • 06/06/11 - The first annual Memorial Day Golf Cart and Bicycle Parade was a stunning success. See photos.
  • 05/22/11 - Roster has been updated to Version 23.
  • 04/03/11 - Posted POA Financial Status as of March 31, 2011. See TREASURY.
  • 04/02/11 - Posted minutes for March 25 POA Officers Meeting.
  • 01/22/11 - Roster has been updated to Version 22.
  • 01/11/11 - Roster has been updated to Version 21.
  • 01/09/11 - Four inches of snow turned El Dorado into a winter wonderland. See photos.
  • 12/23/10 - Tim Latta hosted her annual Christmas cookie party. See photo.
  • 12/18/10 - The work-party on the 18th was a huge success. The weather was perfect and we had a great turn-out. We had several teams clearing debris for nearly six hours, but unfortunately, time ran out before we could cover the entire development. Dave Jendal will be announcing another opportunity to help your community in the near future. Several of the wives also put together a fantastic lunch for our work crews. The following 20 families participated: Burgdorf, Oesch, Horn, Schmeling, Thomas, Brown, Boleneus, Hamghalam, Jendal, Tuite, Houx, Glaeske, Wernick, Gilstrap, Ward, Westerheim, Fitzgerald, Williams, Edwards, Simms. Thanks to all who gave their time and energy to help keep El Dorado looking great! Please send photos.
  • Note: Adam and Amir Hamghalam's father, Reza, had a rather serious heart attack while helping with the work-party on Saturday. He was care-flighted to Tyler where he was treated and released this past week. Cudos to Suzanne Tuite and Robin Westerheim for their fast thinking and insistence on professional emergency care. All agreed that they saved his life.

    Following the work-party, we converted Mike's trailer from a trash-hauler to a hay-wagon and went caroling. Again, the weather was perfect and the moon was full. What a beautiful night on Lake Cypress. Fun was had by all. Please send photos.

    Following the hay ride, we all came back to Ted and Lois Burgdorf's beautiful home for nourishment and "holiday cheer". Just your average day in El Dorado Bay. Hooray! Please send photos.

  • 11/07/10 - Karen Koehler, a former longtime resident of El Dorado Bay, passed away on Wednesday, November 3. She and her husband of 49 years, Gil, built the home that is now owned by the Platts, then built the home that now belongs to the McElhaneys. After Karen was diagnosed with cancer about six years ago, the Koehlers moved to Fairview near Dallas. She and Gil will always be remembered as great neighbors and friends. Click here for the obituary.
  • 10/10/10 - Added more photos to the FACES page and added a link (click on tab to the right) to the official Texas burn ban website.
  • 10/10/10 - Minutes from the 2010 Annual Homeowner's Meeting have been posted on the MEETINGS page.
  • 10/04/10 - The Annual Homeowner's Meeting was held Saturday, Oct. 2, at the Horn's residence. Minutes will be posted on the MEETINGS page as soon as they become available. See photos.
  • 9/11/10 - El Dorado neighbors joined together Saturday morning for a silent prayer in memory of those people who died in the attacks of 9/11/2001. Click here for a photo.
  • 9/1/10 - A memorial service was held today in Plano for our good friend and neighbor, Daryl Thomas. To read a tribute to Daryl, click here.
  • 8/23/10 - Robin Westerheim reports the following news you can use:
  • 1. She talked to J.R. at the water district today and he was sending a patrol out to look for the missing buoy. He said if they didn't find it, they would put another one out before the weekend.

    2. Eric talked to Terry at Pilgrim's about the chicken "odor". He told Eric that they were going to have the farmer plow it under. It might smell worse for a day, but then should be better. He says he thinks they must have missed a cleaning, but that there is no mandatory cleaning schedule. They are also not going to spread it by Lois Drive in the future.

  • 8/23/10 - Added a new editable form (MS Word) version of the ACC application that can be filled out on your computer.
  • 6/22/10 - The tennis court is now ready for play. Click here for photo.
  • 6/19/10 - The El Dorado Scotch Tasting Club celebrated its 3-year anniversary. Click here for photo.
  • 6/10/10 - The tennis court resurfacing is complete, but the crank assembly for the net is damaged beyond repair. A replacement is on order.
  • 5/2/10 - On April 24 the 2010 POA Spring Picnic was hosted by Ted and Lois Burgdorf. Click here for photos.
  • 4/23/10 - Roster has been updated to Version 19.
  • 4/23/10 - The South Franklin County Volunteer Fire Department announces its plans for the July 4th fireworks show. They also give a lot of interesting information about the services they provide. Click here for details.
  • 3/18/10 - Classifieds updated to post O'Shea's "To Buy" ad for used car.
  • 3/10/10 - The new basketball goal on the tennis court is now up and operational. Property owners participating in the installation were Pirk Walton, Eric Westerheim, Don Ward, Ted Burgdorf, Darrel Burgdorf, Dan Schmeling, and Mike Simms. See Photo.
  • 3/06/10 - Minutes from the Officers Meeting held on 03/06/10 are posted on the Meetings page.
  • 2/27/10 - Classifieds updated to post Jendal's pictures of Sea Ray for sale.
  • 1/11/10 - Classifieds updated to post Todd Benson's golf carts for sale.
  • 12/31/09 - Happy New Year - 2010!
  • 12/30/09 - The annual El Dorado Christmas activities were enjoyed by many of our residents this season. The hay ride and caroling had a lot of warm bodies (22) that braved the cold. Even more joined the celebration at the Burgdorf's for a festive party afterwards. Tim Latta also hosted a Christmas cookie exchange on the 22nd. Click here for photos. (Sorry, our camera ran out of juice after the first picture on the hay ride. If you have any photos of the hay ride and/or party, please e-mail them to me for posting).
  • 12/27/09 - Classifieds updated to post Norm Horn's boat for sale.
  • 12/02/09 - Roster has been updated to version 18.
  • 11/23/09 - The El Dorado Scotch Tasting Club was honored to have Peaches Oakes as a special guest on Saturday at their monthly meeting. Peaches enjoyed both selections, but the double-matured 17 year-old Lagavulin was definitely her favorite. See photo as everyone lifts their glasses in celebration of her 90th birthday.
  • 11/15/09 - El Dorado resident, Peaches Oakes, turns 90 on November 21. Her daughters, Ann Fitzgerald and Dotsy Miller, who are also residents, are reportedly only in their thirties. Amazing! Peaches can often be seen walking to and from Ann's house with her guard-dog, Buddy. If you happen to see them, be sure to stop and wish her a big Happy Birthday! See photo.
  • 10/21/09 - Roster has been updated to version 17.
  • 10/20/09 - Six new "Adjunct" members have been selected for a one-year term on the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). See Architecture page for details.
  • 10/19/09 - Longtime El Dorado resident, Elmer Nelson, turns 91 on October 26. If you see him out walking, stop and wish him a big Happy Birthday! See photo.
  • 10/04/09 - The Annual Homeowner's Meeting was held Saturday, Oct. 3, at the Horn's residence. Minutes will be posted on the MEETINGS page when they become available. See photos.
  • 9/21/09 - Roster has been updated to version 16.
  • 9/17/09 - Sandy Jendal has a friend in the water treatment business that sent her some interesting information that helps "clarify" FCWD's water quality issues. Click Here.
  • 9/03/09 - Minutes from 8/22 POA Officers Meeting have been posted on MEETINGS page.
  • 8/19/09 - Updated "Classifieds" page.
  • 7/23/09 - Updated "Community Maintenance" page.
  • 7/19/09 - Added Lost & Found page.
  • 7/15/09 - Updated "Architecture" page with "Tips" and "Judgment Calls"
  • 7/9/09 - Great July 4 fireworks on the lake. See photos.
  • 5/28/09 - The Community Maintenance web page has been updated with more content. Check it out.
  • 5/21/09 - FCWD has replaced the NO-WAKE buoy in our cove that wandered off during the "great flood".
  • 5/10/09 - We have a large washout on West El Dorado Drive not far from the flag pole. The culvert under the road must be replaced which will require closing of the road for 5-6 hours Monday, May 11 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. For more information, contact Dan Fillo at 903-860-3086.
  • 5/10/09 - The Board has formed a new committee that will be taking over responsibility for coordinating repairs and maintenance of our POA community property. Thanks to Dave Bertram for his many years of looking after our roads. To date, three POA members have graciously volunteered to serve on the committee: Dan Fillo, Eugene Gilstrap and Daryl Thomas. If you happen to see any of these individuals, be sure to show your appreciation.
  • 5/10/09 - The Spring Fling Tennis Tournament was a huge success... we all had fun and nobody got hurt. See photos.
  • 5/04/09 - After the picnic, the rains came, and came, and came... See photos.
  • 5/04/09 - The Spring Picnic seems to be charmed. It rained just prior and just after, but not during (well, maybe a little). See photos.
  • 4/23/09 - Minutes from 4/18 POA Officers Meeting posted on MEETINGS page
  • 4/06/09 - Roster has been updated to version 15
  • 3/28/09 - Roster has been updated to version 14
  • 3/27/09 - Here are some new photos of the tennis court taken last weekend after the fence was finished and courts were cleaned.
  • 3/18/09 - Here are some nice photos of springtime in El Dorado Bay by Ann Fitzgerald.
  • 3/15/09 - Here are some new photos of the tennis court. Note that the sides are now closed off and we now have a gate at either end.
  • 3/13/09 - Next meeting of the POA officers is April 17. See Meetings for details.
  • 3/11/09 - Starting today, each addition to this page will be preceded by a date. The most recent news will always be on top, but if you want to find out what was going on last month, or the month before that, just scroll on down.
  • The Road Committee has released its findings with regard to the pros and cons of turning our roads over to Franklin County. To see what some of your neighbors had to say, go to Comments.
  • East Texas Fence has completed installation of new fencing around the tennis court. Although the surface has a few bad spots, it should be good enough for casual play after a little work with the blower and broom. Bring your own chair because the benches had to go. New pictures should be up on the website by Saturday. Bids for resurfacing are still being reviewed. Actual work can't be performed until we have warmer temperatures. New benches and a basketball goal will be added as time and money permit.
  • Next POA Officers Meeting: April 17. See Meetings for details.


Contact El Dorado POA:

P.O. Box 103
Scroggins, TX 75480

feedback @lakecypresssprings.org



Note: Rise and Set times are for Dallas. Subtract 6 min. for Lake Cypress Springs

Last Update






